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NPM vs Yarn: A Package Manager Showdown

Richard 8 Min Read
NPM vs Yarn

In the realm of JavaScript package managers, npm vs yarn have been in a constant battle for supremacy. Both offer similar functionality, yet they differ in certain aspects that attract developers differently. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of npm and yarn to help you determine which package manager best suits your needs.

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1. Speed Racer: Who Wins The Race?

When it comes to speed, yarn takes the lead. Its parallel installation feature allows packages to be fetched simultaneously, resulting in quicker installations. Yarn’s fast cache system also contributes to its swiftness. However, npm has been continuously working on improving its performance, and with recent updates, it has narrowed the speed gap significantly. So, while yarn currently holds the speed crown, npm is a viable contender for developers looking for faster package installation.

2. Reliability and Stability: The Backbone of Package Management

Stability is a key factor in evaluating package managers. npm, being the original JavaScript package manager, boasts a mature ecosystem and extensive community support. With millions of packages available, developers can find virtually any module they need. However, npm’s historical issues with versioning and conflicting dependencies have been a pain point for many developers. Yarn, on the other hand, was built to address these problems from the outset. Its deterministic install process solves the dependency conflicts that npm sometimes struggles with, ensuring a more reliable package management experience.

3. User Experience: The Interface Matters

While subjective, user experience can significantly impact developers’ productivity. Yarn’s interface is widely praised for its simplicity, intuitive commands, and colorful outputs. Its progress bar and active log make package installations a more engaging experience. Npm, on the other hand, has a more minimalistic approach. Its straightforward commands and extensive documentation provide comprehensive guidance for all levels of users. Ultimately, the choice between npm and yarn in terms of user experience comes down to personal preference and individual workflow requirements.

4. Community and Ecosystem: Birds of a Feather Flock Together

npm holds an undisputed advantage when it comes to community size and module availability. With the vast majority of JavaScript developers relying on npm, the support and documentation available are unparalleled. This vast ecosystem ensures quick responses from the community and a diverse range of packages to choose from. While yarn has been gaining traction and has its own ecosystem, it still lags behind npm in terms of community size and module offerings.


Both npm and yarn have their merits and drawbacks, and choosing one over the other ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If speed and stability are your top priorities, yarn may be the package manager for you. On the other hand, if community support and a wide array of available modules are crucial, npm is the safer choice. Whichever route you take, the JavaScript community benefits from the ongoing competition between these package managers, pushing them to continually improve and innovate.

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