Bluestacks VPS

Bluestacks VPS is one of the services that users can order with different plans in Eldernode and use it for Android simulator. Buy Bluestacks VPS with Bitcoin is one of the advantages that Eldernode has provided for its users to be able to create a Windows virtual server and then run Android applications such as games and applications using the BlueStacks Android simulator. Pay applications, robots, etc.


Bluestack VPS - 2GB

$24.99 $358.99
  • CPU : 1 Core
  • RAM : 2048 MB
  • Storage : 30GB
  • BW : Unlimited
  • Port : 1 Gbps
  • IP4 : 1 Free
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Bluestack VPS - 4GB

$40.99 $490.99
  • CPU : 2 Core
  • RAM : 4096 MB
  • Storage : 50GB
  • BW : Unlimited
  • Port : 1 Gbps
  • IP4 : 1 Free
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Bluestack VPS - 6GB

$60.99 $730.99
  • CPU : 3 Core
  • RAM : 6144 MB
  • Storage : 80GB
  • BW : Unlimited
  • Port : 1 Gbps
  • IP4 : 1 Free
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Bluestack VPS - 8GB

$80.99 $970.99
  • CPU : 4 Core
  • RAM : 8192 MB
  • Storage : 120GB
  • BW : Unlimited
  • Port : 1 Gbps
  • IP4 : 1 Free
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Eldernode VPS Advantages

The most important advantages of Eldernode BlueStack VPS

Dedicated resources

Dedicated resources

VPS resources are dedicated to each VPS so that users can experience the best quality

Full Access

Full Access

Full admin access to Linux and Windows operating systems without any restrictions

Cloud infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure

Thanks to the cloud infrastructure on all servers, the provision of services is faster

Bluestacks VPS to Simulate Android in Windows VPS instantly

bluestacks logo

Buy Bluestacks VPS for running android apps Simulator,  The BlueStacks VPS Server is for users who need a VPS server to work with the Android simulator.

Why Buy BlueStacks VPS Server?

By purchasing the BlueStacks VPS Server you can easily run the BlueStacks Android Simulator software at very high speed vps. Configuration needed to run Bluestacks: The minimum system requirement for this Bluestacks service is Windows VPS 2012 r2 with 2 GB of ram.

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Powerful Infrastructure

The infrastructure of a network is one of the most important points that guarantees quality and quantity together. In all stages of providing services, ElderNode tries to strengthen its infrastructure in the best possible way by cooperating with the top data centers in the world.

For this reason, all servers that are intended to provide virtual server services use new and powerful generation processors, new generation RAMs, SSD hard drives with high redundancy to provide the best quality in providing virtual server services. In this regard, virtual servers are provided with a 1 Gigabit port to provide the best performance in the network and the Internet, and also to ensure the security of the server network, a firewall is used to prevent DDOS attacks, etc.

To provide better services to users, ElderNode virtual servers are offered in more than 20 different locations so that users can use the network and traffic of their desired country and provide the best services to their customers.



Direct Full Access

All ElderNode virtual servers have a dedicated IP address so that users can both connect directly to their server and can easily provide the services they want to their users. In addition to providing a dedicated IP to each of the virtual servers, ElderNode gives the customer the right to connect to their operating system with full access.

Linux virtual servers, after ordering and providing to users, will be accompanied by root access and root user information will be sent to users. With Root, you will be able to configure all the settings of your desired services or install new services on your virtual server.

Windows virtual servers are also provided with administrator access after ordering and presentation so that the users of this service have no restrictions in installing the desired software or configuring the services.



Customer orientation policy

The most important policy of Eldernode Company is customer orientation, and in this regard, ElderNode has considered services for its users to order easier and faster.

The payment policy in Eldernode is such that users can purchase the services they want in any currency. For this reason, users will not face any restrictions in the payment section and can pay for their desired services through cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Lite Coin, Ethereum, DogeCoin, etc., or with a PayPal, Visa Card, Master card, and Perfect Money account.

On the other hand, ElderNode has activated the money-back service for all its virtual servers in case of customer dissatisfaction with the quality of the virtual server, so that if users are dissatisfied, they can request a refund within the first 7 days of using their service.



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