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How to Make Money by Writing Posts

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How to Make Money by Writing Posts

As the internet space expanded, the number of different sites increased over time. Google considered algorithms that if people follow all of them and produce SEO content, they will get a high rank in search engines and the sites will be displayed on the first pages. This article will teach you How to Make Money by Writing Posts. If you intend to buy a VPS server, you can check out the economical packages offered on the our website.

Tutorial Make Money by Writing Posts


Today content writing can refer to website content writing and social page content writing such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc. Content writing is very common in developed countries and people create content in businesses or blogs. There are many options for paid writing online and Blogging is a tried-and-true method to make online money. Making money by writing articles for websites and blogs is one of the most common and best ways to make money. Most visitors only spend a few seconds on a web page. You can attract readers with the good website post content. Content of the post that is optimized for the web and written well ranks at the top of search results.

What are the Types of Social Media Posts

– Product Posts

Product Post is the default post created by unimaginative firms. You need to create a product post and promote your products. But limit these posts to no more than 10% of your total posting output. If you convert every post into an advertisement for your product, you won’t build up your audience that way. When social networks notice the lack of engagement on your posts, their algorithms make your posts almost invisible to your followers.

– Promotion of Blog Posts

Promotion of Blog Posts is one of the most common types of social posts that brands share to promote blog posts. These posts are part of your post mix and you should not overdo or use them exclusively in your product promotion. Sometimes they may just share a link to the latest post with a brief description. In this type of post, it is better to write a paragraph that describes the benefits of reading your post to someone.

– Personal Photograph Posts

People are interested in the personalities behind the company and like to see the human side of the business. It shows that your business involves real people. Share appropriate personal photos because potential customers find it much easier to relate with a human face.

– Polls

Create a Poll with a relevant, but controversial topic as a great way to improve your engagement by thinking of a relevant question for your audience. Social media polls can give you a general idea of your audience’s views on a particular topic.

– Engagement Posts

Engagement posts can be considered default posts and revolve around the brand. It should pique the interest and curiosity of your followers without treating them as an advertisement for your products. These posts are not used to promote products, but product features and other goodies can be referenced, as long as it does not dominate the post.

– Competitions

Creating a Competition for your followers is one way to generate engagement. Any competition should be relevant to your target audience. Create posts that reward your followers for their engagement. The reward should be something that is of little interest to those who are not in your target market. If you run interesting and worthwhile competitions, more people will notice your social posts.

Since people have always liked to be informed about what is happening around them, create a post related to the latest news, which can include posts related to any sponsorship activities that your brand may be participating in. News articles get more shares than any other type of post. It is better to find a connection between your post and your product so that you can explain to your followers why you decided to post on this topic.

– Stock Photograph Posts

Most of your social posts should have some sort of social image. Most businesses find that their most successful posts include images. You need to share images that connect with your follower’s emotions and are somehow related to the message you want to convey. The cheapest and easiest way to source images for your posts is stock photography. But be careful that the stock images are natural.

– Screenshot Posts

Screenshots can be a useful way for software companies to demonstrate the features of their products in action. Also, the use of screenshots makes people trust more.

– Infographics

Infographics contain salient facts that can be seen at a glance. Because the brain processes visual information much faster than text, infographics have become incredibly popular in the last few years. It gets more shares than any other type of post. Choose infographics that are relevant to your target audience and include teaser facts in the text accompanying your image, so that interested followers can click on your post and receive the full infographic.

– Workplace Behind-the-scenes Posts

Behind-the-scenes photos of the workplace build trust and people love to see them. By doing this, you humanize the place for potential customers and emphasize that customers are served by people.

– Videos

Videos can lead to high engagement rates because many people comment and share the videos they watch. Most networks encourage you to create video social posts as well.

– Multimedia/Interactive Content

Multimedia Content is one of the smartest posts uploaded by businesses. These can be as simple as thought-provoking GIFs or sharing something via SlideShare or PowerPoint.

– Questions

In this section, you ask your followers a question related to your organization and target audience and give them the opportunity to think carefully about their opinions on a particular topic or situation and record their answers.

– User-Generated Content

User-Generated content is a great way to increase engagement and people love to share their content online. Most of the people whose posts you share will re-share them with their friends.

What are the Types of Post writing 

1- Guest Post

Guest post is an article written and posted on someone else’s blog and is one of the ways to increase the credibility of various business sites. It is very important in online marketing and provides opportunities to promote a brand, increase audience, increase conversion rate and increase sales rate. This type of post is a unique post that the manager of a site or an SEO worker writes on a blog or another site and can help promote a brand name to different users. There are three main purposes for guest posting:

– Using a guest post to introduce yourself as an expert in your field of activity

– Get more traffic for your website

– Building backlinks for your website

2- Reportage

Reportage refers to the total media coverage of a particular issue or event and is usually used in discussions of the general tone or angle of the media or other collective characteristics. It also refers to a journalist’s account of news, especially when witnessed firsthand, that is distributed through the media. The prose of such reports is more polished and longer than newspaper articles.

How to Make Money by Writing Posts in Eldernode

Anyone can make money by writing articles. You can do this for money for the Eldernode website. If you are looking for guest post writing websites to earn online money, we suggest the Eldernode website. To send a guest post to Eldenode’s website, all you have to do is send the post to the [email protected] address. Also, you can contact Live Chat.

You may wish to submit a reportage to the our website. For this, just send the reportage you prepared from the [email protected] address or communicate with us through Live Chat.


If you want to make money by writing articles, you can write a guest post or reportage. Guest post increases the credibility of various business sites and Reportage involves the total media coverage of a particular issue or event. In this article, we explained to you how to make money by writing posts. Also, we listed the types of post writing and the types of social media posts.

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